·       studio senbel, architecture + design was
established in vancouver, B.C. in 1998.
·       the studio is dedicated to cultural, social and
environmental resposnsibility in the practise of architecture.
·       the work of the studio seeks to create memorable spaces
and engaging built environments.
·       through extensive work with community clients we have
developed a unique process that engages community groups in visioning &
·       the studio undertakes projects of all types, scales
and complexity, approaching all commissions with equal rigour and creativity.
·       projects include feasibility studies, urban planning,
architecture, interiors, renovations, product and signage design.
·       client satisfaction and peer recognition are testaments
to the dedication to our craft.
·       studio senbel architecture + design inc. is registered
with the Architectural Institute of B.C. and Alberta Association of Architects.
·       Aga Khan Architecture Award, 2010 Nominee  Al SalaamMosque, Burnaby, B.C.  Â
·       B.C. Masonary Award of Excellence 2008
Al Salaam
Mosque, Burnaby, B.C.
Mosque, Port Coquitlam, B.C. Â Â Â
·       B.C. Masonary Merit Award,
Mosque, Port Coquitlam, B.C.Â
·       AIA Interfaith Forum/Faith and Form Merit Award
Mosque, Port Coquitlam, B.C.
·       Royal City Builders’ Award, 2000

Inn and Pane Vino Restaurant, New Westminster, B.C.
·       Barbara Dalrymple Award – Community Service
, 1998
Community Garden House, Vancouver  Â
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