_Custom-building the fictions of the nation. Arab Argentine rewritings of the gaucho

_The Manifestation of Islam in Argentina

_Islamic Architecture and Urban Development of South India Sourcebook

ARCHITECTURE OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD Melanie Michailidis Beginnings: Definitions of Islamic Architecture and its Antecedents in Late Antiquity

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_Minarets in Islamic Architecture

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_Spiritual Significance in Islamic Architecture – Dr Mostafa Badawi

_How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe | Diana Darke

_Islamic Influence on Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean: Sicily and Venice

_Islamic Art and Architecture

_Architecture in the Islamic Civilization

_A Conceptual Framework for Sustainability in Islamic Architecture

_Islamic Architecture: An Architecture of the Ephemeral

_Significance of Conical and Polyhedral Domes in Persia and Surrounding Areas: Morphology, Typologies and Geometric Characteristics

_The relationship between architecture and symmetry in Persian architecture – a case study of Sheikh Loṭfollāh mosque in Isfahan