This course surveys the art and architecture of the Islamic world from the 7th through the 20th centuries using
material available online through Archnet. It examines the form and function of architecture as well as the social,
historical and cultural contexts, patterns of use, and evolving meanings attributed to buildings by the users. The
course is designed for undergraduates and is based on a 13-week semester and biweekly meetings of approximately
1.5 hours, although the syllabus contains weekly headings so that adjustments can easily be made for classes
meeting three times per week. The syllabus can be printed and distributed to students, whereas these notes are
designed as a guide for the instructor, with lists of the readings, suggested monuments with links to the images, and
the main points of stress for each lecture. Required readings are given in the order they should be read to ensure
maximum comprehension. Recommended readings contain supplementary material, material which may be more
difficult to comprehend, and articles on minor monuments and subsidiary topics. Adjustments may of course be
made to suit the level of the students, the time available, and the interests of the instructor; what follows is a
suggested course which attempts to instill in the student a broad awareness of the diversity and the main
achievements of Islamic architecture from the beginnings of Islam to the present day.Â
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