_A Contemporary Interpretation of Tradition in Mosque Design. Marmara Llahiyat Mosque, Turkey

_Measuring Form, Ornament and Materiality in Sinan’s Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque: An Analysis Using Fractal Dimensions

_Lives and Afterlives of an Urban Institution and Its Spaces: The Early Ottoman ʿİmāret as Mosque

Re-thinking historiography on Ottoman mosque architecture: Nineteenth century provincial sultan mosques

_Applying underfloor heating system for improvement of thermal comfort in historic mosques: the case study of Salepçioğlu Mosque, Izmir, Turkey

_Effect of urban transformation on the values of historic sites around mosques: Two cases in Manisa, Turkey

_The Mosque of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara: Breaking with Tradition

_What are the factors behind the distinct character of Mosques in Turkey and Iran?

_Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Landscape and Changing Values around Haci Bayram Mosque and Augustus Temple, Ankara, Turkey

_Deterioration Types of Stones Used in Suleymaniye Mosque (Istanbul, Turkey)

_Seismic Assessment of the Historical Sütlü Minaret Mosque

Understanding the construction technique of Mimar Sinan’s buildings: the case of Lüleburgaz Sokullu Mehmed Paşa Mosque

_Eski Cami and Hedem Ali Bedestan Restoration On-site Review Report

_Major Damages in Turkish Historical Mosques

_Analysis of the structural behavior of a historical mosque damaged due to an earthquake: Sofular mosque example

_Nonagons in the Hagia Sophia and the Selimiye Mosque