Mosques differ from other types of buildings by having an intermittent operation schedule. Due to five prayer times per day throughout the year, mosques are fully or partially, yet periodically, occupied. This paper examines the potential of using an underfloor heating system for improvement of indoor thermal comfort in a historic mosque, which is naturally ventilated, heated and cooled, based on adaptive thermal comfort method. The selected Salepçioğlu Mosque, housing valuable wall paintings, was built in 1905 in Kemeraltı, Izmir, Turkey. It requires specific attention with its cultural heritage value. Firstly, indoor microclimate of the Mosque was monitored for one-year period of 2014-15. Then, dynamic simulation modelling tool, DesignBuilder v.4.2 was used to create the physical model of the Mosque. The ASHRAE Guideline 14 indices were utilized to calibrate the model, by comparing simulated and measured indoor air temperature to achieve hourly errors within defined ranges. The results of calibrated baseline model indicate that the Mosque does not satisfy acceptable thermal comfort levels for winter months that provided by the adaptive method. Then, the effect of underfloor heating was examined in the second model…
Bughrara, Khaled SM, Zeynep Durmuş Arsan, and Gülden Gökçen Akkurt. “Applying underfloor heating system for improvement of thermal comfort in historic mosques: the case study of Salepçioğlu Mosque, Izmir, Turkey.” Energy Procedia 133 (2017): 290-299.
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