_The Urban Heritage of Masjid Sunan Ampel Surabaya, toward the Intelligent Urbanism Development

_A Study on the History and Development of the Javanese Mosque Part 2: The Historical Setting and Role of the Javanese Mosque under the Sultanates

_Islamic Moderation Model in Managing Mosque to Increase Philanthropy Fund at Jogokariyan Mosque Yogyakarta

Tuo Kayu Jao Mosque

Wapauwe Old Mosque

_Akbar At-Taqwa Grand Mosque

_At-Tin Great Mosque

_Bayur Grand Mosque

_Al-Mannan Grand Mosque

Nurul Iman Mosque, Padang

Samarinda Islamic Center Mosque (Masjid Baitul Muttaqien)

Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque

_Natuna Grand Mosque

_Baitul Mukhlisin Islamic Center Mosque (Bintang Emas)

Raya Al-A’zhom Mosque

Raya Al Bantani Mosque