The paper aims at proposing the implication of the local wisdom value in designing a contemporary mosque. Local wisdom works successfully in determining a suitable design of vernacular buildings such as traditional mosque. It comprises the considerations on building physics such as sufficient thermal comfort, good daylighting and room acoustics which meets the standard. These parameters are also running fitly with traditional wooden structure of the mosque which is resistant against the earthquake. This article analyses two old mosques in Aceh, Indonesia which are still well standing across their ages. The wooden mosques are Indrapuri mosque in Aceh Besar and Tengku Dipucok Krueng Mosque in Pidie Jaya. The evaluation of the mosques was carried out through observations and some field measurements. This article further examines the adaptations of the local wisdom of the mosque pertaining the buildingphysics and the earthquake resistance that can be applied in the contemporary mosque.
Sari, Laina Hilma, and Erna Meutia. “Adaptation of local wisdom in contemporary mosque design for achieving good building physics and earthquake resistance.” In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 737, no. 1, p. 012021. IOP Publishing, 2020.
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