_A Conceptual Framework for Sustainability in Islamic Architecture

_مسجد الرحمانية في سكاكا

Metamaterial with sign-toggling thermal expansivity inspired by Islamic motifs in Spain

_Eco-Friendly Mosque

Energy Modelling of Traditional and Contemporary Mosque Buildings in Oman

_Development of a Mosque Design for a Hot, Dry Climate Based on a Holistic Bioclimatic Vision

Sustainable Architecture Implementation of Vernacular Mosque in Aceh, Indonesia

_الآثار المعمارية في فلسطين خلال العصر العباسي الأول (132-232هـ/750-847م) من خلال المصادر التاريخيّة والأثريّة

Study and CFD Analysis of the Effect of Solar Energy on the Times of the Five Daily Prayers in Mosques

_Ecomasjid: The First Milestone of Sustainable Mosque in Indonesia

_الاستدامة المكانية في المراكز الحضرية التاريخية (دور التوزيع المكاني للمساجد في الاستدامة المكانية لمدينة الموصل القديمة (

Investigation for Energy Use and Conservation of Sustainable Traditional Architecture: Case of Malatya/Turkey Bahri Mosque

_Preliminary evaluation of indoor thermal comfort in Malaysia heritage mosque

The reduction of energy requirement by adapting the mosques building envelope for the six climatic zones of Morocco

Space Quality of Two Indonesian Mosques: Architectural Style, Development Process and Environmental Condition

Penerapan Teknologi Smart Building Pada Perancangan Smart Masjid