_A Conceptual Framework for Sustainability in Islamic Architecture

_مسجد الرحمانية في سكاكا

_Metamaterial with sign-toggling thermal expansivity inspired by Islamic motifs in Spain

_Eco-Friendly Mosque

_Energy Modelling of Traditional and Contemporary Mosque Buildings in Oman

_Development of a Mosque Design for a Hot, Dry Climate Based on a Holistic Bioclimatic Vision

_Sustainable Architecture Implementation of Vernacular Mosque in Aceh, Indonesia

_الآثار المعمارية في فلسطين خلال العصر العباسي الأول (132-232هـ/750-847م) من خلال المصادر التاريخيّة والأثريّة

_Ecomasjid: The First Milestone of Sustainable Mosque in Indonesia

_الاستدامة المكانية في المراكز الحضرية التاريخية (دور التوزيع المكاني للمساجد في الاستدامة المكانية لمدينة الموصل القديمة (

_Investigation for Energy Use and Conservation of Sustainable Traditional Architecture: Case of Malatya/Turkey Bahri Mosque

_Preliminary evaluation of indoor thermal comfort in Malaysia heritage mosque

_The reduction of energy requirement by adapting the mosques building envelope for the six climatic zones of Morocco

_Space Quality of Two Indonesian Mosques: Architectural Style, Development Process and Environmental Condition

_Penerapan Teknologi Smart Building Pada Perancangan Smart Masjid

_Greywater Treatment System in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Mosque: Utilizing Filter Wells as an Alternative Sustainable Innovation