_جامع مالك بن أنس: منارة على أرض قرطاج

_Eco-Friendly Mosque

_Light as a central component in the aesthetics of Islamic architecture And its impact on the creation of contemporary design formulations

_Symbolism and Poetics of Autogenic Space and Structures – The New Design Approach on Mosque as Representative Building (Design Proposal for the Central Mosque of Prishtina as Case Study)

_MetaMosque – Envisioning the Mosque as a Virtual Public Space

_Evaluation of Universal Design Compliance: With Emphasis on the Main Entrance of Selected Mosques in Kuwaiti Governorates

_Islamic architecture of mosques in the town of Vushtrri and its surrounding

_Development of a Mosque Design for a Hot, Dry Climate Based on a Holistic Bioclimatic Vision

_مسجد المحيسن في الرياض

_فن العمارة يتجسد في مسجد علي محمد البلوشي

_مسجد مصر الكبير بالعاصمة الاداريه الجديده

_مسجد الرحمة -كييف- من اكبر مساجد أوكرانيا Ар-Рахма -Ar-Rahma Mosque, Kiev

_Generic mosque: design principles for mosque design

_Modern Islamic Architecture | DIFC Grand Mosque

_برنامج مآذن الشارقة | مسجد البراء بن عازب

_برنامج مآذن الشارقة – مسجد أهل القرآن