_Minarets in Islamic Architecture

_شرفة المؤذن في مآذن العراق حتى نهاية العصر الألخاني

_The Tilting Problem of Al-Khulafa Mosque Minaret

Beyond the minaret: A space for the spirit, a place for the people. Toward an integral design for a contemporary mosque via an embodied decorum or ethos

_The Functions and Symbolism of Chinese Minarets: a Case Study of the Huaisheng Guangta

_The Minaret of the Great Mosque in Algiers, a Structural Challenge

_The First Zianide Minaret “minaret of Agadir”

_الأفكار الفلسفية والتعبيرات الرمزية للمنارات (المآذن)

_Effect of piles on the seismic response of mosques minarets

_Seismic Assessment of the Historical Sütlü Minaret Mosque

_From One Polygon to Another: A Distinctive Feature of Some Ottoman Minarets

_Effects of Structural Parameters on Seismic Behaviour of Historical Masonry Minaret

_Dynamic Seismic and Wind Response of Masonry Minarets

_The History of Mosque’s Minaret Design in Lembah Kelang, Malaysia


_A Comparative Analytical Study of the Conversion Form of Minaret in Contemporary Mosque Architecture