_Sound preservation at the Grand Mosque of Yogyakarta in Indonesia: The acoustic performance of the traditional architecture

_الاغناء في تصاميم الفضاءات الداخلية ( مسجد أيا صوفيا أنموذجا)

_Exploration of room acoustics coupling in Hagia Sophia of İstanbul for its different states

_The Architecture of Ibadi Mosques in M’zab, Djerba, and Oman

_Sino-Arabic Script and Architectural Inscriptions in Xi’an Great Mosque, China

_Sultan Hassan Mosque: an Islamic Architectural Wonder Analytical Study of Design and Its Effect on Islamic Cairo

_The Yeni Valide Mosque Complex at Eminönü

_The Great Mosque at Djenné

_The Mosque of Rifa’i in Cairo

_Bhong Mosque On-site Review Report

_The Functions and Symbolism of Chinese Minarets: a Case Study of the Huaisheng Guangta

_Dome of Bayt Al-mal In the Islamic Mosques: Comparative And Architectural Study

_Quranic Values on the Jamik Mosque Architecture in Sumenep

_The Influence of Natural Ideas in Promoting Genius Loci (Case Study of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque in Isfahan)

_The Importance of Plan Unit Design with Reference to Pedentive Dome Mosque Architecture in Early Ottoman Period in Balkan Region and Anatolia

_The blue interpretation of art: the Blue Mosque