Xi’an Daxuexi Alley Mosque: Historical and Architectural Study

_Mosque: Building Crosses Cultures

_Migraciones, interculturalidad, exilio y arquitectura. Cerámica española del siglo XVII en Túnez y América, un encuentro transatlántico (Migrations, interculturality, exile and architecture. 17th century Spanish ceramics in Tunisia and America, a transatlantic encounter)

_Tratado de arquitectura hispano musulmana. Vol. IV, Mezquitas: ensayo de arquitectura religiosa (Treatise on Hispano-Muslim Architecture) (NDL)

_Islamic Architecture and Urban Development of South India Sourcebook

_How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe | Diana Darke

_المساجد السبعة في المدينة المنورة بعد ترميم بعضها والتعرف على أسمائها

Significance of Conical and Polyhedral Domes in Persia and Surrounding Areas: Morphology, Typologies and Geometric Characteristics

_The relationship between architecture and symmetry in Persian architecture – a case study of Sheikh Loṭfollāh mosque in Isfahan

Imran bin Tajudeen. 2017. “Trade, Politics, and Sufi Synthesis in the Formation of Southeast Asian Islamic Architecture.”

_المساجد التاريخية – مسجد يلملم

_مسجد الراية .. أحد أشهر المساجد التاريخية في المدينة المنورة

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