_The relationship between architecture and symmetry in Persian architecture – a case study of Sheikh Loṭfollāh mosque in Isfahan

_الصورة العماریة للمساجد بدلالة الرسوم التاریخیة الصورة الذهنیة للمساجد فی منمنمات مقامات الحریری

_Geometrical analysis of architectural drawings in the Shah-mosque Isfahan

_A Comparative Study of the Geometric Motifs of the Ateeq Mosque (Shiraz) and the Cordoba Mosque (Cordoba) with a Contextual Approach

Mosque: Cube and Circle (Faith & Form Magazine)

_المقرنصات في العمارة الإسلامية في مصر في العصر المملوكي

Measuring Form, Ornament and Materiality in Sinan’s Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque: an Analysis Using Fractal Dimensions

_The Use of the Golden Section in the Great Mosque at Kairouan

Interrelation between grid systems and star polygons of muqarnas ground projection plans

Islamic Star Patterns

The Origins of Fatimid Art

Methods of Constructing Geometric Ornamental Systems in the Cupola of the Alhambra

_Islamic geometric designs

_An Analytical Study of Islamic Geometrical Patterns Towards Appropriate Application

_Exploring Islamic Geometries

_Evolution of Islamic geometric patterns