_The relationship between architecture and symmetry in Persian architecture – a case study of Sheikh Loṭfollāh mosque in Isfahan

_الصورة العماریة للمساجد بدلالة الرسوم التاریخیة الصورة الذهنیة للمساجد فی منمنمات مقامات الحریری

_Geometrical analysis of architectural drawings in the Shah-mosque Isfahan

_A Comparative Study of the Geometric Motifs of the Ateeq Mosque (Shiraz) and the Cordoba Mosque (Cordoba) with a Contextual Approach

_Mosque: Cube and Circle

_المقرنصات في العمارة الإسلامية في مصر في العصر المملوكي

_Measuring Form, Ornament and Materiality in Sinan’s Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque: An Analysis Using Fractal Dimensions

_The Use of the Golden Section in the Great Mosque at Kairouan

_Interrelation between grid systems and star polygons of muqarnas ground projection plans

_Islamic Star Patterns

_The Origins of Fatimid Art

_Methods of Constructing Geometric Ornamental Systems in the Cupola of the Alhambra

_Islamic geometric designs

_An Analytical Study of Islamic Geometrical Patterns Towards Appropriate Application

_Exploring Islamic Geometries

_Evolution of Islamic geometric patterns