_Migraciones, interculturalidad, exilio y arquitectura. Cerámica española del siglo XVII en Túnez y América, un encuentro transatlántico (Migrations, interculturality, exile and architecture. 17th century Spanish ceramics in Tunisia and America, a transatlantic encounter)

_El Islam en la frontera: Una comunidad naciente

_How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe | Diana Darke

_Islamic Influence on Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean: Sicily and Venice

_The Painted Mosque of Tetovo

_جامع وحكاية | مسجد الصحابي أبو أيوب الأنصاري في إسطنبول

_المسجد الأخضر: ملاذ المصلين في الصيف

_حكاية – مسجد ستراسبورغ الكبير في فرنسا

_مسجد فريد تحت الأرض في إسطنبول

Metamaterial with sign-toggling thermal expansivity inspired by Islamic motifs in Spain

_مسجد “أم حرام” في قبرص

Symbolism and Poetics of Autogenic Space and Structures – The New Design Approach on Mosque as Representative Building (Design Proposal for the Central Mosque of Prishtina as Case Study)

_Origins of imperial Ottoman architecture in Istanbul: A crosscultural interpretation on the development of a new Classical tradition.

Selected Muslim Historic Monuments and Sites in Bulgaria

_Islamic architecture of mosques in the town of Vushtrri and its surrounding

System Identification of Mosques Resting on Soft Soil. The Case of the Suleiman Mosque in the Medieval City of Rhodes, Greece