_Migraciones, interculturalidad, exilio y arquitectura. Cerámica española del siglo XVII en Túnez y América, un encuentro transatlántico (Migrations, interculturality, exile and architecture. 17th century Spanish ceramics in Tunisia and America, a transatlantic encounter)

_El Islam en la frontera: Una comunidad naciente

_How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe | Diana Darke

_Islamic Influence on Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean: Sicily and Venice

_The Painted Mosque of Tetovo

_جامع وحكاية | مسجد الصحابي أبو أيوب الأنصاري في إسطنبول

_المسجد الأخضر: ملاذ المصلين في الصيف

_حكاية – مسجد ستراسبورغ الكبير في فرنسا

_مسجد فريد تحت الأرض في إسطنبول

_Metamaterial with sign-toggling thermal expansivity inspired by Islamic motifs in Spain

_مسجد “أم حرام” في قبرص

_Symbolism and Poetics of Autogenic Space and Structures – The New Design Approach on Mosque as Representative Building (Design Proposal for the Central Mosque of Prishtina as Case Study)

_Origins of imperial Ottoman architecture in Istanbul: A crosscultural interpretation on the development of a new Classical tradition.

_Selected Muslim Historic Monuments and Sites in Bulgaria

_Islamic architecture of mosques in the town of Vushtrri and its surrounding

_System Identification of Mosques Resting on Soft Soil. The Case of the Suleiman Mosque in the Medieval City of Rhodes, Greece