_Significance of Conical and Polyhedral Domes in Persia and Surrounding Areas: Morphology, Typologies and Geometric Characteristics

Maksur dome tradition in the design of Malatya great mosque in Turkish Islamic Architecture

_Dome of Bayt Al-mal In the Islamic Mosques: Comparative And Architectural Study

The Importance of Plan Unit Design with Reference to Pedentive Dome Mosque Architecture in Early Ottoman Period in Balkan Region and Anatolia

_Effect of Pyramidal Dome Geometry On The Acoustical Characteristics In A Mosque

Kassim, Dg H., a. Putra, M. J. M. Nor, and N. S. Muhammad. “Effect of Pyramidal Dome Geometry on the Acoustical Characteristics in a Mosque: Mosque; Speech Intelligibility; Pyramidal Dome; Reverberation Time.” Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 7 (2014): 1127-1133.
_An Acoustical Analysis of Domes Coupled to Rooms: With Special Application to The Darussholah Mosque, In East Java, Indonesia

Mosque Without Dome: Conserving Traditional-Designed Mosque in Melaka, Malaysia

_القباب ومناطق الانتقال في العمارة الدينية بالجزائر خلال العصر العثماني

_المقرنصات في العمارة الإسلامية في مصر في العصر المملوكي

_The Historical Significance of the Geometric Designs in the Northeast Dome Chamber of the Friday Mosque at Isfahan

_The Dome in Contemporary Monuments of the UAE between Tradition and Postmodernity

The Domes: El Wakil’s Traditionalist Architecture of Quba Mosque

_An analysis of structural aesthetics in architecture case study: Taj‑Ol‑Molk Dome, Jāmeh Mosque of Isfahan, Iran

Girih for Domes: Analysis of Three Iranian Domes

_Analysis of Lighting Performance between Single Dome and Pyramid Roof Mosque in Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina

_The Architect of Domed Mosques as a Master of Pluralism