_Al-Amiriyah Madrasa and Mosque Restoration On-site Review Report

_The Uzun Hasan Mosque in Tabriz: New Perspectives on a Tabrizi Ceramic Tile Workshop

_Ugo Monnaret de Villard (1881-1954) and the Establishment of Islamic Art Studies in Italy

_Three Photographic Traditions in Nineteenth-Century Iran

_The Origins of Fatimid Art

_L’Art Omeyyade en Syrie, Source de l’Art Islamique

_Methods of Constructing Geometric Ornamental Systems in the Cupola of the Alhambra

_Art and Architecture

_Islamic Art and Byzantium

_About an Arabic Dioskorides Manuscript

_An Exhibition of High Ottoman Art

_About Two Mughal Miniatures

_A Tenth-Century Source for Architecture

_An Art of the Object

_Classical Forms in Islamic Art and Some Implications

_(no download link) The Formation of Islamic Art