_Dehdadi Mosque Restoration Final Report

_Eski Cami and Hedem Ali Bedestan Restoration On-site Review Report

_Major Damages in Turkish Historical Mosques

_Nonagons in the Hagia Sophia and the Selimiye Mosque

_Decision Support Model for Mosque Renovation and Rehabilitation (Case Study: Ten Mosques in Jakarta Barat, Indonesia)

_Visual Inspection of Heritage Mosques Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Condition Survey Protocol (CSP) 1 Matrix: A Case Study of Tengkera Mosque and Kampung Kling Mosque, Melaka

_The Relationship Between Conservation-revitalization Projects and Site Management Plan: a Case Study for Süleymaniye Mosque and Its Environs

_Growth of the Holy Mosque in Mecca and the First Legislation of Heritage Conservation in Saudi Arabia (1955–2010)

_Users’ perception and post-conservation evaluation of Kampung Teluk Memali mosque in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

_Sustainable development of urban conserved heritage: An analytical study of Kursunlu Mosque in Ulus, Ankara

_دور مشاريع الترميم في الحفاظ على المساجد الاثرية في قطاع غزة

_Conservation Report on the Aqsunqur Mosque

_Al-Amiriyah Madrasa and Mosque Restoration On-site Review Report

_Conservation of the Wazir Khan Mosque Lahore: Preliminary Report on Condition and Risk Assessment

_Before and After Images of Al-Maridani Mosque

_Rehabilitation of Al-Qaraouiyine Mosque On-site Review Report Type report Year 2010