Metamaterial with sign-toggling thermal expansivity inspired by Islamic motifs in Spain

_Aesthetic Impact Assessment of the Restored Heritage

Note on the Restoration of Five Egyptian Mosques

Investigating the Architectural Origin of the Gayebi Mosque in Osmanpur, Sylhet, Bangladesh

_إعادة تأهيل جامع الرابعية في مدينة الموصل

_مساجـد الموصــل إبّان التدميــر والإعمــار جامـع الباشـا انموذجـاً

_أثر أعمال الحفاظ المعماري في ديمومة المباني الجامع الكبير في مدينة دهوك حالة دراسية

Micro-XRF Investigation of Decoration Materials and Painting Techniques in Three 18th-19th Century Mosques in Berat, Albania

Nano Particles and Nano Composites for Preservation of Historic Marble Minbars with Application on the Minber of Soliman Pasha Al-Khadim Mosque in Salah El-Din Citadel in Cairo, Egypt

_Evaluating the Role of Internal Factors in the Damage and the Methods of Treatment of the Limestone of Emir Hasan Mosque in Akhmim, Sohag, Egypt

Examination and Conservation of Helal El-Beah Mosque, Dakahlia, Egypt

Investigation for Energy Use and Conservation of Sustainable Traditional Architecture: Case of Malatya/Turkey Bahri Mosque

The Tilting Problem of Al-Khulafa Mosque Minaret

Excavations on the Coral Mosques of the Maldives

The application of UAV and CSP1 matrix for building inspection at mosques in area of Pagoh – Muar, Johor

Guide to Maintain Historic Egyptian Mosques: Case Study of Abul-Hajjaj Mosque – Luxor