_Metamaterial with sign-toggling thermal expansivity inspired by Islamic motifs in Spain

_Aesthetic Impact Assessment of the Restored Heritage

_Note on the Restoration of Five Egyptian Mosques

_Investigating the Architectural Origin of the Gayebi Mosque in Osmanpur, Sylhet, Bangladesh

_إعادة تأهيل جامع الرابعية في مدينة الموصل

_مساجـد الموصــل إبّان التدميــر والإعمــار جامـع الباشـا انموذجـاً

_أثر أعمال الحفاظ المعماري في ديمومة المباني الجامع الكبير في مدينة دهوك حالة دراسية

_Micro-XRF Investigation of Decoration Materials and Painting Techniques in Three 18th-19th Century Mosques in Berat, Albania

_Nano Particles and Nano Composites for Preservation of Historic Marble Minbars with Application on the Minber of Soliman Pasha Al-Khadim Mosque in Salah El-Din Citadel in Cairo, Egypt

_Evaluating the Role of Internal Factors in the Damage and the Methods of Treatment of the Limestone of Emir Hasan Mosque in Akhmim, Sohag, Egypt

_Examination and Conservation of Helal El-Beah Mosque, Dakahlia, Egypt

_Investigation for Energy Use and Conservation of Sustainable Traditional Architecture: Case of Malatya/Turkey Bahri Mosque

_The Tilting Problem of Al-Khulafa Mosque Minaret

_Excavations on the Coral Mosques of the Maldives

_The application of UAV and CSP1 matrix for building inspection at mosques in area of Pagoh – Muar, Johor

_Guide to Maintain Historic Egyptian Mosques: Case Study of Abul-Hajjaj Mosque – Luxor