Mosque is
located in Astana, Kazakhstan. It is third largest mosque
in Central Asia. The 40-meter (131-foot) height symbolizes the age of the
Prophet Muhammad of when he received the revelations, and the height
of the minarets are 63 meters (207 foot), the age Muhammad was when he died.
white edifice whose height of 40 m (131) symbolizes the age of Prophet
Muhammad, Nur-Astana Mosque stands as a landmark of the city. Completed in
2008, the mosque can accommodate up to 5,000 worshippers at a time inside, plus
2,000 in the yard around it. A large gilded dome surrounded by four 63 m (207
ft) tall minarets with gilt bulled-shaped roofs and lightning rods tops a large
white multi-domed body of the mosque plated with marble slabs. Decorated with
calligraphic inscriptions, its interior features geometrical patters combining
blue, white, red, and gold.
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