

Mausoleum of Sheikh Muslihiddin


The bazaar is open every day from early morning to late evening; here you can buy almost any fruit or vegetable grown in Tajikistan. It is always possible to have delicious and inexpensive courses of national cuisine in any one of the numerous teahouses and cafes around the market.

Nearby stands Minaret. In the middle of the northern part of town, a few dozen meters from the Syr Darya river, near the modern city park of culture and leisure. Kamola Khujandi is a fortress built around VII – VIII centuries A.D.

The fortress covered an area approximately 300 x 200 m, and was surrounded by powerful cob wall. Later it was destroyed, but at the beginning of XVIII century was partially restored. 

Currently, the fortress houses the Museum of Archaeology and Fortification. It is known that in the XVIII century. Khujand was surrounded by a wall, it is now partially preserved in the western and eastern limits of the modern city.

Once the total length of the walls was about 6 km, up to now remained of them little more than one kilometer.

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