The Baiturrohmah Mosque of the Sari Asih Ciputat is built based on the needs for a prayer place in a hospital area. Not only for the patients and their families or hospital staff, but this mosque is also built to the community around the hospital. With its strategic location, which is at the one way Ciputat intersection, there will be many people who can pray in this mosque.
The basic shape of the mosque which has a cube is processed again to show different and iconic buildings. The concept, the composition of the mass of the building is formed from inspiration into four parts that read “Bismillah” on the upper right and “Muhammadarrasulillah” on the lower left with Kufi Arabic characters as if they were heads from an inclined wall with “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim” being part of the body.
To provide the identity of the building of prayer, the architect still presents several distinctive features of Islamic buildings including the curved shape of the façade of the building. The arch shape is presented by the minaret in front of the building as a confirmation of this cube building, which is a mosque building. Wrapping detailed motifs and Kufi Arabic inscriptions in the curved fields and minarets gives a beautiful appearance.
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