History of the Ar-Rukun Mosque dated back to 1994 when a group of migrant Muslims residing in Perth started an association to look into the planning and construction of a mosque where Muslims in the area could congregate. The mosque was finally built in and 1998 marked the official opening of the Ar-Rukun Mosque
Predominantly Malays manage this mosque, Unique suburban architecture. The multicultural function hall is opened to both Muslim and non-Muslim organizations. Depending on the nature of the event, the mosque committee may decide to lease the multi-purpose hall for activities such weddings and sporting activities. Currently, the hall is being used by Silat Helang Putih, a martial art group whose members meet
twice weekly.
At present, the mosque is also undergoing massive upgrading to extend the prayer hall to accommodate the increasing jumah. At the same time, other facilities are also being improved. Over the years, the demography of Perth, and specifically in the Rockingham and Kwinana suburbs has changed. There is an increasing number of Muslim families settling down in Perth’s south. The demand for the facility of this place of worship is more than before. Over the years, the various committees have adapted to these changes through various improvements and upgrading work. The strong spirit of community by the pioneers acts as a motivation as the the present community continues to strive for the betterment of the Muslims in general.
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