

_An-Nour Mosque (Mulhouse)


An-Nour Mosque, also known as Al-Nour, is a central complex for Muslims in Mulhouse and the mosque is in the heart of the complex. The centre is operated by Alsace Muslims Association (AMAL). The complex is developed on three floors and it includes commercial shops, business companies, meeting areas, beauty salon, Health and sport centre, and educational institutes. The centre is classified as the first diversified Islamic centre because of the different services that are provided and the taking into consideration the different generations’ needs.

Situated at the entrance of Mulhouse, France, and sitting on a triangle shaped piece of land, An-Nour Mosque is an outstanding building made of white concrete and green glass with a signature tree shape. The mosque is classified as the first environmentally friendly religious building in Europe. The design of the mosque follows the roles of sustainability, it is a BBC classified project, the used materials are environmentally friendly (production, delivering, healthy, renewable), use of geothermal energy, and solar energy.

Located in Mulhouse, this mosque was designed by the architects of the AMRS Architects agency. It is built around prefabricated white concrete elements, which were built by the manufacturer BCS – Gherardi Construction.

Mosque Data


AMRS Architectes






Alsace Muslim Association (AMAL)




The Mosque: 1,700 m2 The centre: 11,000 m2

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