The Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC) Â has completed Phases 1 & 2 of a four-phased multi-million-dollar upgrading and expansion of its facilities to better serve the needs of its membership and the hundreds of persons who use these facilities each year.
The construction has been funded through the contributions of ACIC’s members, the wider local Muslim community as well as members of its counterpart organisations based in Toronto, Canada.
The first phase was the construction of a canopy on the western section of the Masjid, just off the main entrance to the Complex; and this was done, keeping in place the beautiful architecture of the mosque. This area will be used as an extension of the masjid when the capacity of the mosque is exhausted and persons have to pray or be seated outside of the masjid. A wheel chair ramp has been constructed to allow persons utilising wheelchairs, to gain easy access into the masjid. The entire wudu (ablution) area has also been upgraded.
The second phase is the construction of a new annex for ladies praying at the Complex. This facility is fully air-conditioned and carries a large television monitor to allow the sisters to see the Imam/Khateeb at Juma Prayers and other activities held in the masjid itself. The 80% glass facility will also allow the annex to be used as part of the Lecture Hall for programmes. Hussein said Muslim sisters can be in the annex and able to view any programme in the lecture hall, through the one-way glass or on the TV monitor.
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