

_Abidin Mosque


The Abidin Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Terengganu and is strategically located in the centre of Kuala Terengganu town, within the proximity of many businesses, and commercial and trading entities. The Abidin Mosque was originally constructed in 1793, and was established by Sultan Zainal Abidin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Mansur Riayat Shah (Sultan Zainal Abidin, Il). The mosque is more than 200-years-old and has been renovated to accommodate approximately 2,500 people during a single prayer session. The mosque is named alter the founder Sultan Zainal Abidin I and his son, Sultan Zonal Abidin Ili, During the reign of Sultan Zainal Abidin Il from 1794 to 180&, it was also known as Masjid Kay (the Wooden Mosque) and thereafter during sultan Zainal Abidin Ill’s reign, it was known as Masjid Besar (the Great Mosque].

Construction of the mosque began in 1793 and was completed in 1808 during the reign of Sultan Zainal Abidin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Mansur Riayat Shah (Sultan Zainal Abidin II). Throughout the years, the Abidin Mosque has gone through many renovations, both major and minor, since 1808, The building material used was chengal timber. Its original form resembled the traditional Terengganu house. Some five decades later, the first major renovation took place in 1852 during the reign of Sultan Omar. The main building material (chengal timber) was replaced with red bricks. In turn, a few domes were added. Then, in 1901, it went through another major expansion during the reign of Sultan Zainal Abidin III. The renovation included the addition of the corridor on the right side of the main prayer hall, and the addition of a three-storied tower, which made the mosque become the largest structure in the town, then. From the 1920s to the 1940s, the renovations included the addition of chengal ceiling boards in the main prayer hall In 1938, the original roof ties (senggaro tiles] used since 1901 were replaced with China clay tiles. The original building of the Abidin Mosque had been preserved for 70 years before it had a major renovation in 1972 during the reign of Sultan Ismail  Nasiruddin  Shah. This renovation covered the addition of a new prayer hall on the right side of the main prayer hall which is one time bigger than the size of the existing prayer hall. A new minaret was also constructed along the same design the National Mosque minaret.

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Sultan Zainal Abidin II




373 m2


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