King of the Kénédougou Empire Tieba Traoré ruled from 1876 until his passing in 1893. The Empire’s capital was relocated to Sikasso by Traoré, the son of the previous monarch, Mansa Douala, who also constructed a palace on the Mamelon hill. Samory Touré, the conqueror of the Mandinka, and the fast advancing French colonial force were both opponents of Traoré in a number of conflicts, including the protracted French siege of Sikasso from 1887 to 1888. Around Sikasso, Traoré built the renowned tata (fortified wall) in 1890. He joined French Colonel Louis Archinard to see Ségou destroyed by French heavy artillery that same year, but he persisted in fighting to keep Kénédougou independent.
After he passed away in 1893, his brother Babemba Traoré ascended to the kingdom.
He built the Grand Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso upon the request of the king Sia
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