_Life Receives Funds to Renovate 5 Haitian Mosques

_A Brief History of the Muslims in Panama

_The origin of Muslims in the Caribbean

_So Far from Allah, So Close to Mexico (NDL)

_El mundo Arabe y América Latina (NDL)

_Memória Viva de Árabes na Fronteira: Aspectos da Cultura e Religiosidade (Memory of Arabs at the Border: Aspects of Culture and Religiosity)

_(no download link) The Cambridge History of Religions in Latin America

_Islam in Latin America

_Muslims in Trinidad and Tobago

_Experience of Muslims in Latin America (NDL)

_Muslims in Latin America : a survey — part i

_From Moors to marronage: the Islamic heritage of the Maroons in Jamaica

_Far from Mecca: Globalizing the Muslim Caribbean (NDL)

_Construction of sufi membership in the Argentine cultural context and transnational network

_How Latin America Met the Arab World: Toward a Political Economy of Arab–Latin American Relations

_Shi’i Islam in Chile