_المسجد الكبير في مدينة معرة النعمان بريف إدلب

_مسجد سيف الدين يلبغا, دمشق

_المسجد النوري الكبير بحمص

_Umayyad Mosque (Mosques of Early Islam: The Hypostyle Mosque)

_Dome of Bayt Al-mal In the Islamic Mosques: Comparative And Architectural Study

_Architectural archaeological study to Mehmendar mosque in Aleppo

The Great Mosque of Damascus

_Architectural Analysis of the First Mosque in Aleppo Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (Al- Shuaybiyya Mosque)

_Assessment of Seismic Resistance of Islamic Architecture Monuments on the Example of the Great Mosque of Aleppo taking into account the Seismic Zoning of the Territory of Syria

The Effect Of Earthquake Characteristics On The Collapse of Historical Masonry Buildings: Case Study of the Mosque of Takiyya Al-Sulaymaniyya

_Umayyad Mosques and Palaces


بشار سويد

_Notes sur les Cérémonies Umayyades

_L’Art Omeyyade en Syrie, Source de l’Art Islamique

_The Great Umayyad Mosque of Aleppo: from Historic Islamic Monument to War Battlefield