_A Prolegomena to a New Study of Ornament: Architecture as Embodied Ornament in the Great Mosque of Córdoba

_Historical restorations of the Maqṣūrah glass mosaics from the Great Mosque of Córdoba

_المساجد والقصور في الأندلس

_Analytical Study of the Mihrab Dome at Cordoba’s Great Mosque and the Determination of Islamic Prayer Times in the Umayyad Period

_Historical restorations of the Maqṣūrah glass mosaics from the Great Mosque of Córdoba

Granada Mosque

_The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba: Evidence of column organization during their first construction s. VIII A.D

_Advanced Architectural Descriptions of Al-Andalus Islamic Palaces: Development of a Knowledge-Based Descriptive Framework

_(no download link) Rebuilding Islam in Contemporary Spain : The Politics of Mosque Establishment, 1976-2013

_Methods of Constructing Geometric Ornamental Systems in the Cupola of the Alhambra

_Alhambra – Granada, Andalusia, Spain [Amazing Places]

_Cordoba, Spain Grand Mosque, UNESCO World Heritage Site

_Circular Visions of Fertility and Punishment: Caliphal Ivory Caskets from Al-Andalus

_The Mosque as an Educational Space: Muslim Women and Religious Authority in 21st-Century Spain

_وثائق في شئون العمران في الأندلس: المساجد والدور

Cristo de la Luz Mosque