Abu Ishaq al-Sahili

_Migraciones, interculturalidad, exilio y arquitectura. Cerámica española del siglo XVII en Túnez y América, un encuentro transatlántico (Migrations, interculturality, exile and architecture. 17th century Spanish ceramics in Tunisia and America, a transatlantic encounter)

_Metamaterial with sign-toggling thermal expansivity inspired by Islamic motifs in Spain

_Proportions and Deformations in the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

_الترف في بناء المساجد في الأندلس من 138هـ/755م إلى 452هـ/1060م مسجد قرطبة أنموذجا

_تخطيط وعمارة مسجد الزهراء في الاندلس في ضوء التنقيبات الاثرية

_جامع قرطبة الأندلس أرثٌ حضاري

_Al-Morabito of Cordoba Mosque

Omar Mosque: The Islamic Cultural Center of Madrid

_The enigmatic orientation of the Great Mosque of Córdoba

_Monitoring Heritage Buildings with Open Source Hardware Sensors: A Case Study of the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba

_Baitur Rehman

_Basharat Mosque

_A Comparative Study of the Geometric Motifs of the Ateeq Mosque (Shiraz) and the Cordoba Mosque (Cordoba) with a Contextual Approach

_Al-Andalus Mosque

Great Mosque of Cordoba (Mosque Cathedral of Córdoba)