_A Study on the History and Development of the Javanese Mosque Part 1: A Review of Theories on the Origin of the Javanese Mosque

_The architectural transformation of historic mosques in Javanese rural settlements

_Evaluation of Natural Ventilation Characteristics on the Sultanate of Ternate Mosque

_Islamic Modernism and Architectural Modernism of Muhammadiyah’s Lio Mosque

_Javanese architectural concept on the spatial pattern of Surakarta Grand Mosque

_Analysis of energy usage in mosques in urban area with tropical climate: case study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

_The restoration of old mosques heritage in Pekojan, Jakarta

_Environmental Conservation of Muslim Minorities in Raja Ampat: Sasi, Mosque and Customs

_Pathok Negoro mosque as the form of territorial defense region of Mataram Kingdom of Islam Java in Jogjakarta

_Decision Support Model for Mosque Renovation and Rehabilitation (Case Study: Ten Mosques in Jakarta Barat, Indonesia)

_The Salman Mosque: Achmad Noe’man’s Critique of Indonesian Conventional Mosque Architecture

_Changing A Hindu Temple Into The Indrapuri Mosque In Aceh: The Beginning Of Islamisation In Indonesia – A Vernacular Architectural Context

_The cultural and architectural heritage of the Banten Grand Mosque, Indonesia

_The Royal Mosques in Indonesia From16th to Early 20th Centuries as a Power Representation

_The Linguistic Landscape of Mosques in Indonesia: Materiality and Identity Representation

_Interpretation of the Meaning of Mosque Architecture : A Case Study Mosque 99 Cahaya in Lampung, Sumatera Island, Indonesia