_Exploring the Heritage Value of Space in Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque, Keraton Kasepuhan

_The priority of maintaining the reliability of sustainable construction at the Ampel Mosque Surabaya

_Understanding the Meaning of Triangular Shape in Mosque Architecture in Indonesia

_Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction of a Masonry Structure: Sungurbey Mosque

_Study of Visual and Analysis Ornaments on the mosque of Hunto Sultan Amay Gorontalo

_Symbolism in the aesthetics architectural of Plosokuning mosque Yogyakarta

_Historical Assessment of the Saka Tunggal Mosque in Banyumas: Study on the Single Column Mosque on Java Island, Indonesia

_Strengthening of Nurul Ilmi Mosque with Concrete Jacketing

_An Acoustical Analysis of Domes Coupled to Rooms: With Special Application to The Darussholah Mosque, In East Java, Indonesia

_The Elements of Local and Non-Local Mosque Architecture for Analysis of Mosque Architecture Changes in Indonesia

_Eclecticism on the masjid building (case study: Baiturrahman Great Masjid, Banda Aceh City)

_Energy Efficiency Calculation and Air Handling Unit Design Based on Cooling Load Capacity at MASTEK Mosque

_Observation of Thermal Comfort Standards at The Gegerkalong KPAD Mosque, Bandung

_Needs and Wants in Mosque Architecture: A Study of Traditional and Modern Mosques in West Java-Indonesia

_Implementation of Accounting for Mosque in Some Mosque in Bandung Regency

_Mosque in Compact Cities: Impact of Urbanization on Planning and Design of Contemporary Mosques in Nusantara