_جامع وحكاية – مسجد المركز الإسلامي في إندونيسيا

_The Typology of Mosque Architecture in West Aceh

_Pesona Masjid Agung Al-Mujahidin Selong LOMBOK TIMUR

_Sustainable Architecture Implementation of Vernacular Mosque in Aceh, Indonesia

_Ecomasjid: The First Milestone of Sustainable Mosque in Indonesia

_Islamic Moderation Model in Managing Mosque to Increase Philanthropy Fund at Jogokariyan Mosque Yogyakarta

_The Symbolic Meaning of Mosque Architecture as Adaptation to the Residential Environment, in the Social, Economic and Cultural Contexts in Lombok

_Sound preservation at the Grand Mosque of Yogyakarta in Indonesia: The acoustic performance of the traditional architecture

_Ethnography-Architecture in Kampong Kauman Semarang: A Comprehension of Cultural Toward Space

_Space Quality of Two Indonesian Mosques: Architectural Style, Development Process and Environmental Condition

_The Dynamics of the Form of Nusantara Mosque: Architectural Homogeneity Vis a Vis Architectural Hybridity

_Penerapan Teknologi Smart Building Pada Perancangan Smart Masjid

_Quranic Values on the Jamik Mosque Architecture in Sumenep

_Adaptation Strategy of Mosque Architecture in the Minority Neighborhood Case Studies: Mosques in Denpasar City and Badung Regency, Province of Bali.

_The Salman Mosque: The Pioneer of the Mosque Design Idea, the Driving Force Behind the Coinage of the Term ‘Campus Mosque’ in Indonesia

_The Characteristics of Mosque Architecture Based on Public Preferences in Malang City