This document contains a selection of key findings from Report 2 of the US Mosque Survey 2020, including data on Islamic approaches, perspectives on American society, mosque activities, women in the mosque, and Shi’ite mosques. The US Mosque Survey 2020 is a comprehensive statistical study of mosques located in the United States. The survey is an ongoing decadal survey which was conducted previously in 2000 and 2010. Reports featuring the results will occasionally include results from a 1994 survey which was conducted by the Islamic Resource Center, using the same methodology as the US Mosque Surveys.The results of the US Mosque Survey 2020 are divided into two reports authored by Dr. Ihsan Bagby. Report 2: Perspectives and Activities, focuses on Islamic approaches in understanding Islam, perspectives of mosque leaders on American society, mosque activities, women in the mosque, and the perspectives and activities of Shi’ite mosques.The purpose of the US Mosque Survey is to conduct a scientific study that will generate accurate information about most aspects of the American mosque. The goal is to provide a detailed portrait of the American mosque to dispel misconceptions and to help mosque leaders and participants better understand their mosque, hopefully leading to improvements.
Bagby, Ihsan, Bagby, Ihsan, The American Mosque 2020: Growing and Evolving (Report 2, Key Findings), Washington: Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, 2020.
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