The mosque architecture that deserves to use as a starting point in the analysis of architectural changes in Indonesian mosques is the Wali mosque as an early generation mosque in Indonesia. As a reference, the architectural element characteristic of Wali mosque (local mosque) needs to be known, so that this paper aims to find a description of a local mosque (Wali mosque), and also description of architectural elements of nonlocal mosques (mosques with foreign cultural context) because one of the causes of changes in mosque architecture is cultural factors. The findings of this paper are expected to be input for further studies on the details of physical changes in the architectural elements of mosques in Indonesia. The study subjects taken were 6 Wali mosques that were widely known by the Indonesian Muslim community as Wali mosques and 6 non-local mosques that were very well known and frequently visited by Indonesian Muslim communities. Data obtained from literature studies, interviews and observations. The analysis is done by sketching from visual data, critiquing data, making interpretations, making comparisons and compiling the chronology of the findings. This paper can conclude the characteristics of each architectural elements of local mosque in Indonesia and nonlocal mosques.
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