This research was conducted with the aim to find out whether the mosque can be used as a place to increase the Human Development Index (HDI), also to find out whether the mosques have optimized their roles and functions regarding the indicators that can improve HDI. A literature study was conducted to find out whether mosques can be used as a place to increase the HDI in Mataram City. Researchers used primary data derived through interviews and questionnaires, in order to find out whether the mosques in Mataram City have optimized their roles and functions. A survey has been conducted by using sub-districts level of Cluster Random Sampling in Mataram City. The research results showed that mosque is one of the best places that can be used as a place to improve HDI based on its roles and functions. Most mosques in Mataram City has carried out educational and economic empowerment activities, but not all have carried out healthcare activities. The economic empowerment activities that have been carried out are limited to consumptive matter that not entered the stage of community economic empowerment.
Kurnia, Agus, Nurul Fitriyani, and Robith Hudaya. “Mosque as a place to improve human development index.” In 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Islam ICMIs, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 175-179. 2018.
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