This research explores the analysis method of the current situation and injects direct design proposal analysis to the mosque from the existing condition. The exploration of lighting fundamentally and significantly impacts holistic and ritual performance in any religious building. However, regarding the conversion of typology to the mosque, there were a few research that focus on the existing condition in lighting design performance for Newcastle Mosque. Therefore, this study explores approximately four designs of three-dimensional recommendations as a methodology which include passive and active design implications used recorded as part of the discussion. The result shows that the proposed design helped in repairing the conditions of the mosque through the implementation of the skylight, curtain, designated window, and sunbreak for the best rectification recommendation. Furthermore, the result of the study suggests such minimum glare and effective lighting distribution contribute to the amount reduction of energy consumption, improve the quality of reading, and properly enlighten the religious congregational activities and other exercises carried out to optimum brightness of the mosque.
This research explores the analysis method of the current situation and injects direct design proposal analysis to the mosque from the existing condition. The exploration of lighting fundamentally and significantly impacts holistic and ritual performance in any religious building. However, regarding the conversion of typology to the mosque, there were a few research that focus on the existing condition in lighting design performance for Newcastle Mosque. Therefore, this study explores approximately four designs of three-dimensional recommendations as a methodology which include passive and active design implications used recorded as part of the discussion. The result shows that the proposed design helped in repairing the conditions of the mosque through the implementation of the skylight, curtain, designated window, and sunbreak for the best rectification recommendation. Furthermore, the result of the study suggests such minimum glare and effective lighting distribution contribute to the amount reduction of energy consumption, improve the quality of reading, and properly enlighten the religious congregational activities and other exercises carried out to optimum brightness of the mosque.
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