This article analyses Islam in Brazil and focuses São Paulo at the second half of 20th. By interview with Mr. Samir El Hayek, lebanese immigrant that arrived into the city in 1954. Some changes were observeds, about religious practices, becoming it different of Islam from Middle East. Thus, it was considered as historical context and brazilians customs that had influences over the Muslim tradition to create a peculiar Islam in Brazil. Due to historical importance a subject is outstanding: the malês africans, muslims slaves that introduced Islam in Brazil of 19th. Also was written a topic explaining the Islam and his principles. Key-words: Islamism, Imigration, Cultural Difusion, XX Century.
Nakashima, Henry Albert Yukio. “Tassamuh: O islamismo em São Paulo na segunda metade do século XX.” Revista Brasileira de História das Religiões, ANPUH, Ano III, n. 7, Mai. 2010
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