Community service can take any form. One of them is by giving thoughts in increasing the accountability of mosques. Mosques, at this time in Indonesia, not only function as places of worship but also have socioeconomic functions. One of the mosques belonging to this class is the Jami Mosque. Although it is a jami mosque, most of the mosques have not yet processed into mosques that can account for their socioeconomic funds to the people. Evidence of several jami mosques in Bandung Regency shows a low level of financial accountability readiness with reference to the Interpretation of Financial Accounting Standards (ISAK) 35, especially the introduction of ISAK 35. An assessment of the level of reporting readiness is carried out using an exploratory method. Mosque samples were collected from mosque administrators who responded to the researcher’s questionnaire. Research outputs are in the form of national and international journals as well as mosque accounting modules. The purpose of the study is to measure the level of recognition and increase in understanding of mosque takmir practitioners and the public on mosque accounting as well as to be able to provide input for the accounting standard board in preparing the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) for Mosques which currently does not exist. The results of the study show that the recognition of the form of reports alone is still low, so socialization about the forms and elements of financial reports is needed.
Abdul Hadi, Dudi, Hafied Noor Bagja, Ingrid Larasati Agustina, Sendi Gusnandar Arnan, Syafrizal Ikram, and Tria Apriliana. “Implementation Of Accounting for Mosque in Some Mosque in Bandung Regency.” Review of International Geographical Education Online 11, no. 6 (2021).
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