The distribution of mosques needs to be assessed to help authorities to choose the appropriate location for the new mosques proposals, or to extend the existing mosques, the distribution and capacity of mosques is a serious problem in Islamic towns. This research aimed at finding appropriate planning standards, selection criteria for mosques locations and capacity by studying the current locations, distributions and capacities of the existing mosques. An aerial photograph was used as a source of spatial data. The distinctive orientation of the mosques to Gibla (Mecca holy mosque direction) facilitated their identification among other buildings. A layer of mosques was created in GIS. Each mosque area was calculated from the layer and saved in the attribute table. The actual capacity of each mosque (number of worshipers) was calculated by dividing the mosque area by 1 square meter. A buffer tool was applied, depending on the optimal distance for worshipers to access the mosques; the houses within the buffer area of each mosque were calculated to estimate the expected maximum number of worshipers for Friday prayer. The actual capacities of mosques were compared to the expected population. The results indicated that some mosques were found to be suitable; some needed to be extended within the existing location, while others could not be extended within the existing location and a new location must be determined for a new mosque within the buffer area to accommodate the expected number of worshipers.
Elhag, Abdelrahim, Ranya Fadlalla Elsheikh, and Faiza A. Yousif. “Analysis of Site Suitability of Mosques Locations Using GIS: A Case Study of Khartoum State.” Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 5, no. 11 (2017): 37.
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