The Merged Columns of the Great Mosque of Samarra (Al-Malawiyah Mosque)
Muhammad Abdul Latif Ajil, Abed Braak Al-Ansari
This research is a serious study to identify the columns in the Arab Islamic architecture, especially in the city of Samarra Abbasiyah, in terms of definition, composition, parts and purpose of their use, and its importance in the construction and design of Islamic architecture in the Abbasid era when the city of Samarra, the capital of the Arab Islamic state. The use of these columns is concentrated in the mosque of the mosque and its “Malawiyah” mosque, built by the Caliph al-Mutawakil.
محمد عبد اللطيف عجيل, عابد براك الأنصاري. “الأعمدة المندمجة في جامع سامراء الكبير) جامع الملوية.” Al Malweah for Archaeological & Historical Studies 7, no. 19 (2020).
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