As-Salam Mosque was the first mosque built in Chile. Its planning began in 1986, by the architect William Tapia Chuaqui. The mosque was built in an octagonal shape, favoring the perpendicular direction towards Mecca. The most important historical example of an octagonal mosque is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem . As-Salam Mosque has three levels, which are divided into two halls. The first floor is used for different purposes, such as funerals, ceremonies, among others. The prayer hall is the main hall and it is located on the second level and surrounded by horseshoe arch windows. The hall is located at +270 cm from the street level and has a double height. From the double height, the hall generates two different spaces, for men and women, in order not to have any kind of distraction during prayer.
The main hall on both levels is covered by a large carpet of green and watermelon, symbolizing a lobed arch, which indicates the place to perch and direction to Makkah. At the top of the double height a copper dome crowned the space, which together with the minaret, has a moon at the top, which is a characteristic element of Islamic architecture in order to stand out and differentiate themselves from other constructions.
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