Many studies have focused on Islamic religious currents in Muslim-majority countries and in European countries with a significant Muslim presence, as well as in the United States. Very few, to date, have examined their development in South America. Even when these studies focus on the development of “globalized Islam” (Roy 2002), they rarely include South American countries. This issue aims to fill this gap by addressing various aspects of the Muslim presence in Brazil. The articles collected here question the vision of a world divided into “cultural zones” 1 and the categorization of social groups into “minorities” and “majorities” 2. They examine the presence of Muslim communities within a country where Islam is beginning to compete with other religions in the conversion market.
Dias, Amanda SA, and Paulo G. Pinto. “L’islam au Brésil: approches historiques et anthropologiques.” Brésil (s). Sciences humaines et sociales 14 (2018).
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