In the Dutch colonial period, the glory of Aceh has been a shift, they were burned a kingdom of Aceh and building a new Aceh. The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Banda Aceh city is the masterpiece of Dutch colonial architecture. From the results of previous research, according to experts, are the building of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque using the eclecticism style, which is the collaboration of the best various architecture style? The purpose of the research is to find the eclecticism effect on the building of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. The research method using a descriptive qualitative-comparative method, which is to describe the elements of the visual building and then compare with the approach of colonial architecture theory, Acehnese architecture theory with Islamic architecture theory. From the results of the analysis of the visual elements on the building, it was found that the dominant Islamic architecture styles were was on the ornaments of the wall and the effect of colonial architecture style was on the symmetrical floor plans. The concluded that the combination of elements architecture style is eclecticism that effects the building of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque.
Maulida, R., N. M. Siahaan, and I. F. Pane. “Eclecticism on the masjid building (case study: Baiturrahman Great Masjid, Banda Aceh City).” In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 452, no. 1, p. 012006. IOP Publishing, 2020.
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