Since the earliest period of history, many civilizations have ruled our country. Historical structures, which we inherited from these civilizations, should be transferred safely to future generations. For this purpose, it is essential to clearly determine the behavior of these historical structures. In the present study, one of these historical structures, Sofular mosque located in Merzifon, was examined in detail by static and dynamic analysis. In the analysis, the mechanical properties of the material obtained by experimental studies were used. In the static analysis, the mosque was analyzed under its own weight, and it was obtained that the stresses have large values at the supports of the main dome. So, it can be said that the dome has to be supported at these points. The results of the modal analysis show that the mosque has translational displacements with great mass ratios through two orthogonal directions. This shows that the mosque will have out of plane deformation during an earthquake. Also, under the dynamic effects of seismic forces, it was identified that critical out of plane deformations could occur at the upper parts of the eastern and western facades. Also, it is clear that large stress and deformation values could occur at the narthex part. Moreover, it is determined that the dome portion is involved in translational motion and can be damaged during an earthquake.
Ĺžeker, Burçin Ĺženol, and Merve Ă–zkaynak. “Analysis of the Structural Behaviour of a Historical Mosque Damaged Due to an Earthquake: Sofular Mosque Example.” Journal of Engineering Research 9, no. 4B (2021).
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